Well John and I decided to build a rock climbing wall in our house. I really like it but we haven't fully overcome the problem of Danielle and what we can do with her. She likes the rock climbing wall. So I remembered a kid zone at Momentum Rock Gym and wanted to get one for myself. Google Checkout took me to at site with something called The Soft Kingdom.
It is from csnsupply.com and is the
wesco 4789 Soft Kingdom. csnsupply offers free shipping on this item and in 1-2 weeks I could have my fantastic new gym. I think Danielle would love it. It could live on the garage floor and could become her new floppy zone so she wouldn't have to flop on my bed. I would love it. I guess this means that I shouldn't be too cheap about getting a small air conditioner for the garage. She loves climbing on these things! Here is an online description.
This range of tiny tot modules can be combined in any number of ways so that tots can experience a variety of situations in terms of expressions and relationships. Children often delight in climbing high up and exploring. This Soft Kingdom will allow children to develop motor skills as they crawl and climb on the comfortable modules.
Consists of 2 Half-Moons, 2 Soft Waves, Valley, Hilltop, Four Wave Mat, 10" Cylinder, Two Steps, 2 Small Slopes, 3 90 Degree Corner Mats, Small Hump, Two Wave Mat, 2 Basic Mats and Trapezium
Made from high density foam jersey lined vinyl covers sewn with a very strong nylon thread
Meets fire safety requirements
Covers can easily be cleaned with soapy water
For children ages 3 months to 3 years
Total Cost $1089.00